Wizardry 8— Downloads
Original content
These downloads are original content by myself. If you wish to redistribute these files, that is fine; I would appreciate credit for my work and a link to my homepage (jeffludwig.com).
- The Christian Coder's Wizardry 8 Mod version 1.0 (466 KB) — This is my contribution to the Wizardry 8 modding community. If you would like a fresh Wizardry 8 experience, and have version 1.24, then please install this and enjoy!
» More info - Wizardry 8 Info Spreadsheet (3.75 MB) — I have compiled all of the equipment info and maps into a printable spreadsheet (it is roughly 30 pages when printed). Sorry, no spell info is currently listed. It is formatted for print.
Wizardry 8 v1.24 patch
This patch is the latest (and final) official patch from Sirtech- Canada. It is only offered here because the company is out of business. All credit for the patch is due to Sirtech-Canada.
- Wizardry 8 v1.24 patch (3.71 MB) — A list of updates and bug fixes is included in the .zip file. Unzip the patch to your Wizardry 8 directory, overwriting any files.
External Links
These are links to download pages hosted elsewhere. I include these for the sake of convenience (yours, so you don't have to look elsewhere, and mine, so I don't have to deal with copyright and intellectual property issues!)
- Madgod's Wizardry 6-7-8 editor— For those of you who wish to mastermind your own Wizardry reality, Madgod offers his editor free of charge. This link will take you to the editor's info page.
- Wizardry 8 Save Game and Character Editors— This link will take you to Wolfie's Wizardry 8 site. Wolfie has three excellent editors (I have personally used the Simple Editor) for download, and also has tips for their use...
- Wizardry 8 Combat Accelerator— Another interesting download from available at Wolfie's site.