• 23326 Wizardry 8 downloads
Wizardry 8

Wizardry 8- The Christian Coder's Mod

It has been a long standing belief of mine (since the days of the old 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System) that customization is what makes the truly great games stand out. When talking video game customization, there is nothing better (outside of releasing source code) than providing a way for others to modify the actual data that powers the game. This is what modding is all about. Thanks to madgod, there is a powerful tool for modifying Wizardry 8's item system, monsters, spells, etc. called the "Cosmic Forge".

For maximum enjoyment, I suggest playing Wizardry 8 through at least once before trying this mod as it significantly changes the game play. In my opinion, it balances out quite a few aspects. The nav bar on the left shows exhaustively the changes made to the item lists and the spells. To view the (mostly) exhaustive change log, click here.

If you have comments or questions about the mod, I would be glad to hear them!

Download the mod

Get version 2.0 * New! * —          11.1 MB download

Get version 1.0 —                           466 KB download

Installation instructions

First, make sure that your copy of Wizardry 8 has been patched to version 1.24.

Backup your Wiz8.exe file.

Extract all files in this ZIP archive into your Wizardry 8 folder. Though this mod is compatible with existing saves, I recommend that you start a new game to play this mod as the balance of the game has been somewhat significantly altered. Parties that have played using this mod will most likely *NOT* be compatible with the original Wizardry 8.

If you downloaded version 2.0, you will be playing with modified character rules. If you do not wish to do this:

  • Restore your backup of Wiz8.exe to its rightful place in your root Wizardry 8 directory. You did back it up, right?

Removal instructions

If at anytime you wish to un-install it, you may remove these directories:

  • Wizardry 8\Data\databases
  • Wizardry 8\Data\items
  • Wizardry 8\Data\npc scripts
  • Wizardry 8\Data\strings

Then, remove all files from the Wizardry 8\Data\MONSTERS directory excepting MONSTERS.SLF.

If you patched your "Wiz8.exe", delete it, and rename your backed up copy (you did back it up, right?!) as "Wiz8.exe".

Wizardry 8 Mod- See what's changed!

My mod makes extensive changes to the items database, as well as many changes to the balance of the games spells. Use these lists to get info on the updated items and spells.

In addition, version 2.0 of the mod does make very minor change to the Lightning Rod and adds one instrument, as well as a number changes to the character definitions.

Wizardry 8- Lists and Maps

My mod has made no important changes to the game maps and to these lists.


I surely am not the first one with a Wizardry 8 page on the block (the game being released in late 2001, and all), and I likely won't be the last. These are a few of the folk who not only have enhanced my enjoyment of the game, but in many cases have offered their constructive comments to help the information I convey to be better. Thank you.

Copyright notice

The content in this portion of the website pertains to "software" known as "Wizardry 8", which was copyrighted 2001 by Sir-tech Canada Ltd. All rights reserved. All content represents original research by myself, except when credits are given on the respective pages where unoriginal content is placed. The mod that this pertains to was written by Jeff Ludwig (aka Christian Coder), please use freely. If you have some suggestions, I'd like to hear them.