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News and Such
  • 157733 site-wide downloads

Mod of Balance, version 3.5 released!

Today I released a new version of the Final Fantasy Mod of Balance. This release is based off of the premise that a character’s accuracy should not determine how many swings they take. This required a bit balancing to pull off, but I think the result is a more fun experience. Check out the changes in version 3.5. Blessings!


Posted on: 2015-06-24

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Ludmeister is back!

Well, it’s taken almost two years, but after a long hiatus, I’m back and improving this site. I’m heartened and grateful for all the interest that the site has received from gamers who love the classic RPGs of yesteryear. Some of you have even contributed donations, and for that I’m most grateful, as I have come upon some hard times in the difficult current economy. However, the lack of steady employment has meant that I have been able to do some modding! So, stay tuned… in the coming weeks there should be a number of new mods (or mod versions) popping up. Exciting times are ahead…


Posted on: 2015-06-19

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Site issues fixed

Perhaps you’ve noticed that this site has had a few issues recently. I apologize for that, and I have fixed several. Most notably:

  • The download counter was resetting repeatedly, to the tune of every few weeks or so. The earlier implementation of this that I used was prone to that, and this should not happen anymore.
  • The news section was inaccessible for a period of time, though the recent articles were still showing up on the home page. This has been fixed.
  • A usability issue with the FF1 Hacking pages is fixed. Now, both drop-down menu bars play nicely with each other.

Posted on: 2015-06-19

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Mod of Balance updates released

There are a couple of major news items for me to report. A big “thank you” is in order to those of you who have played the Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls Mod of Balance, and offered me your criticism and encouragement. The results of this feedback, plus the inspiration gleaned from playing a hack of the NES version of Final Fantasy Final Fantasy Negative One, are these two updates to the mod. Check out the new versions here.

Version 2.2— This is a bug-fix version, which addresses the issues and slight unbalances still present in version 2.1.

Version 3.0— Removes the class change system, and replaces it with 12 different classes, which are selectable from the start of the adventure. This will make the game play quite differently, and may breath yet new life into the GBA port of Final Fantasy.

The Weapons, Armor, and Spell listings have been updated, and may be configured to show v3.0 (as well as previous) data.


Posted on: 2012-08-29

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April 2012 Update Report

Greetings retro video game fans!

April has been a fairly productive month. I’ve released the fifth revision of the Wizardry 1st Trilogy mod. As I have continued to play it and document the changes (more on that later), I have tightened things up, streamlined a few more things, and most recently, increased the range of values for character attributes. This will likely be the final update, until I come up with a change worthy of an increment in version. Man, would it be nice to come up with a Item Property dialogue for items… that kind of thing might be over my head, though.

I also just released version 1.1 of Ludmeister’s Wizards and Warriors mod. As many issues as this game may suffer from, it is just fun. I have succeeded in attaching the WinDBG debugger to the game while it was running, and managed to modify a few key aspects related to skill development. I also incrementally increased the spawn rate for the monsters (though Seldom is still not too often). Set the game to “Often” for a real good challenge .

April has also seen a few site updates. Mostly I’ve been hard at work with getting the information pages up for my mod of Wizardry 1st Trilogy: Story of Llylgamyn. Check out the new pages dedicated to Characters, Magic, Items, and Monsters!


Posted on: 2012-04-30

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Wizardry 1st Trilogy mod updated ad nauseum

It seems that as I’ve been scanning my code in an effort to post information concerning character development and such for the rebalancing mod for Wizardry 1st Trilogy, I’ve been finding little bugs here and there that have needed fixing. We’re now up to the 3rd revision of the v1.0 release, and if you haven’t downloaded revision 3 (if you downloaded a version of the mod before 10:30 EST on March 30th) you need to update your ROM to this version. It’s perfectly fine to play any existing campaigns with a new ROM.


Posted on: 2012-03-30

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March 21st 2012 releases

Today has been a busy day today at!

A new mod has been released. This time I’ve improved a Super Nintendo compilation of early Wizardry titles, called Wizardry 1st Trilogy: Story of Llylgamyn. Gideon Zhi of Aeon Genesis Translations translated this game from Japanese to English a few years back, and without his expertise in Japanese and ROM hacking I would never have begun this project. All three titles (Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord -> “Overload”… ha!, Legacy of Llylgamyn, and Knight of Diamonds) have been improved. To see what’s changed and download the mod, visit the Wizardry 1 – 2 – 3 download page.

Today, I have also released a long-due update of Ludmeister’s Might and Magic 7 mod. It removes the arbitrary changes that the original version made to the locations of skill trainers and the like, and now supports Grayface’s MM7 patch! Trust me, that’s very cool. Take a look at what Grayface has accomplished. Also updated is the Information Spreadsheet; a few of you have let me know, and rightly so, that the previous iteration was simply incorrect on numerous points. It should be fixed now.


Posted on: 2012-03-21

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Final Fantasy Mod of Balance Bugfix update

Just a quick note to say that version 2.1 of the Mod of Balance for Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls has been released. It fixes all known bugs to date, and provides a bonus for those who have felt that the gold shortage for weaponry was too extreme: weapons and armor have been completely re-valued, and in most cases that meant lowering their sale prices. Clicky to see the changes made, and download the current version. Version 2.1 is fully backward compatible with version 2.0.

I will update the weapons and armor pages with information for the new version soon.


Posted on: 2012-03-16

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Wizards and Warriors: How to get the Game to run in Windows XP+

And, now onto a happier topic.

I’ve provided a much more in-depth set of instructions concerning how to get Wizards and Warriors running on Windows XP or later. Well, actually, it’s how to get my mod running but you can skip the steps on extracting my mod to the directory if you just want to use stock Wizards and Warriors. Not only that, but I’ve also provided the necessary patches to do this. I hope this service helps out!


Posted on: 2012-03-02

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Site policy change on downloads instituted

As a matter of convenience, ever since this site was launched I had been releasing my patches to various ROMs and executable files in .exe format (not .ips). This is because I had a tool which I used to convert the .ips patches I created to .exe format (called IPS2EXE). This convenience meant that you didn’t have to have any special know-how to patch your files; you simply needed to run the .exe and select the proper file to patch. You did not need a separate .ips patching program.

Unfortunately, while harmless (when run, they only patched the file you specified) those executable patches created by IPS2EXE have set off anti-virus/malware warnings. They were not flagged by ESET Personal Security, or Microsoft Security Essentials, or Trend Micro, but at present I am aware that Kaspersky Anti-Virus, at minimum, detected them as “Riskware”, but “not-a-virus”. I have therefore decided to remove all offending executable patches from all downloads on this site, and from my listings on All of this has been completed.

I hope that these measures, coupled with the transparency and seriousness with which I have documented this fiasco, helps to assure you that I am committed to giving you risk-free downloads, and providing the very highest quality that I can. Thank you for your patience and goodwill.


Posted on: 2012-03-02

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