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News and Such: April 2012 Update Report
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April 2012 Update Report

Greetings retro video game fans!

April has been a fairly productive month. I’ve released the fifth revision of the Wizardry 1st Trilogy mod. As I have continued to play it and document the changes (more on that later), I have tightened things up, streamlined a few more things, and most recently, increased the range of values for character attributes. This will likely be the final update, until I come up with a change worthy of an increment in version. Man, would it be nice to come up with a Item Property dialogue for items… that kind of thing might be over my head, though.

I also just released version 1.1 of Ludmeister’s Wizards and Warriors mod. As many issues as this game may suffer from, it is just fun. I have succeeded in attaching the WinDBG debugger to the game while it was running, and managed to modify a few key aspects related to skill development. I also incrementally increased the spawn rate for the monsters (though Seldom is still not too often). Set the game to “Often” for a real good challenge .

April has also seen a few site updates. Mostly I’ve been hard at work with getting the information pages up for my mod of Wizardry 1st Trilogy: Story of Llylgamyn. Check out the new pages dedicated to Characters, Magic, Items, and Monsters!


Posted on: 2012-04-30 08:03

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