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News and Such: March 21st 2012 releases
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March 21st 2012 releases

Today has been a busy day today at!

A new mod has been released. This time I’ve improved a Super Nintendo compilation of early Wizardry titles, called Wizardry 1st Trilogy: Story of Llylgamyn. Gideon Zhi of Aeon Genesis Translations translated this game from Japanese to English a few years back, and without his expertise in Japanese and ROM hacking I would never have begun this project. All three titles (Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord -> “Overload”… ha!, Legacy of Llylgamyn, and Knight of Diamonds) have been improved. To see what’s changed and download the mod, visit the Wizardry 1 – 2 – 3 download page.

Today, I have also released a long-due update of Ludmeister’s Might and Magic 7 mod. It removes the arbitrary changes that the original version made to the locations of skill trainers and the like, and now supports Grayface’s MM7 patch! Trust me, that’s very cool. Take a look at what Grayface has accomplished. Also updated is the Information Spreadsheet; a few of you have let me know, and rightly so, that the previous iteration was simply incorrect on numerous points. It should be fixed now.


Posted on: 2012-03-21 13:55

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