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Wizardry 8

Spell List: All

Spell Level 1

SpellbookElementSpell Name SP RangeTargetEffect
Alc Water Acid Splash2ThrownCreature 1 - 7 points of Water damage
Div Divine Bless4ShortAll Allies Increase AC and To Hit. Spell level increases duration, but not effectiveness.
Div Psi Mental Charm5ThrownCreature Attempts to magically influence a creature or NPC to be more friendly to the party.
Wiz Fire Energy Blast2ThrownCreature 1 - 7 points of Fire damage
Wiz Water Frost2ThrownCreature 1 - 7 points of Water damage
Div Alc Psi Divine Heal Wounds3ThrownAlly Heal 4 - 16 Health / spell level
Alc Earth Itching Skin2ThrownCone Lower's opponent's ability to defend and attack
Div Wiz Alc Fire Light1ShortParty Light for exploration
Div Divine Make Wounds2ThrownCreature 2 - 6 points of Magical damage
Psi Mental Mind Stab3ThrownCreature 2 - 8 points of Mental damage
May inflict insanity
Div Psi Water Paralyze3ThrownCreature May inflict paralysis
Wiz Alc Psi Air Sleep3ThrownGroup May inflict sleep
Div Alc Water Stamina2ThrownAlly Heal 6 - 36 Stamina / spell level
Wiz Psi Mental Terror3ThrownGroup May inflict fear or unconsciousness

Spell Level 2

SpellbookElementSpell Name SP RangeTargetEffect
Alc Fire Blinding Flash5LongRadius May inflict blindness
Div Alc Psi Water Cure Lesser Condition4ThrownAlly Reduces/cures fear, sleep, blindness, nausea, or irritation
Wiz Psi Mental Detect Secrets5ShortParty Spots hidden items and terrain features. Spell level increases duration, but not effectiveness.
Div Psi Mental Divine Trap4ShortTreasure Chest Boosts party's Locks & Traps skill
Alc Water Dracon Breath4ExtendedAlly Target can breathe a Cone of acidic vapor. Spell level increases duration, but not effectiveness.
Wiz Divine Enchanted Blade4ThrownAll Allies Increase To Hit and To Penetrate chances
Div Divine Guardian Angel4ExtendedAlly Guardian Angel absorbs a certain amount of damage before character can be damaged again
Div Water Holy Water5ThrownRadius 2 - 10 points of Water damage
Only effective vs. undead or demonic creatures
Div Psi Mental Identify Item6ShortItem Identifies items. Spell level is automatically calibrated to the complexity of the item.
Psi Mental Insanity5LongGroup May inflict insanity
Wiz Divine Magic Missiles4ThrownCone 1 - 7 points of Magical damage
Wiz Air Missile Shield5ThrownAll Allies Provides a chance to deflect non-magical missiles
Alc Earth Razor Cloak6ExtendedAlly Any opponent attacking target of this spell is wounded
Wiz Psi Air Shrill Sound3ThrownCone 1 - 5 points of Air damage
Psi Water Slow4LongGroup May inflict slowness
Wiz Alc Air Sonic Boom6LongRadius May inflict fear or unconsciousness
Div Wiz Earth Web5ThrownCone May trap opponents in a web, immobilizing them

Spell Level 3

SpellbookElementSpell Name SP RangeTargetEffect
Div Earth Armorplate6ThrownAll Allies Increases Armor Class by (SL / 2), rounded up
Alc Psi Earth Chameleon6ShortAll Allies Masks your presence from opponents until you come within range. Has no effect in combat.
Div Alc Water Cure Paralysis6ThrownAlly Reduces/cures paralysis
Div Alc Air Cure Poison6ThrownAlly Reduces/cures poison
Wiz Fire Fireball6LongRadius 2 - 8 points of Fire damage
Wiz Water Freeze Flesh6LongGroup May inflict paralysis
Psi Fire Hypnotic Lure5LongPoint in 3D space Draws opponents mindlessly towards the pulsating glow. Ineffective on friendly creatures and NPCs.
Wiz Alc Earth Knock-Knock6ShortTreasure Chest
Locked Doors
Attempts to circumvent trap on treasure chest to open it
Magically raises and holds tumbler(s) in upright position
Div Divine Magic Screen6ThrownAll Allies Increases resistance to all 6 elements
Psi Mental Mindread8ThrownCreature Attempts to apprehend the thoughts of NPCs.
Wiz Alc Air Noxious Fumes5LongRadius 1 - 6 points of Air damage
May inflict nausea or unconsciousness
Psi Fire Psionic Fire6ThrownCone 2 - 10 points of Fire damage
Div Water Rest All6ShortAll Allies Heal 6 - 36 Stamina / spell level
Wiz Alc Air Shadow Hound5ShortParty Reduces chance of being surprised and alerts sleeping party members to approaching monsters
Div Psi Air Silence4LongGroup May inflict silence
Wiz Alc Earth Whipping Rocks6ThrownCone 2 - 10 points of Earth damage

Spell Level 4

SpellbookElementSpell Name SP RangeTargetEffect
Alc Water Acid Bomb8LongRadius 1 - 6 points of Water damage
Wiz Psi Earth Armormelt8ThrownCone Lowers opponent's Armor Class and makes it easier for weapons to penetrate their defenses
Wiz Alc Earth Crush8LongCreature 2 - 30 points of Earth damage
Div Alc Water Cure Disease8ThrownAlly Reduces/cures disease
Psi Mental Ego Whip8ThrownCone 2 - 14 points of Mental damage
Wiz Alc Earth Element Shield8ShortAll Allies Increases resistance to Fire, Water, Air, and Earth
Psi Divine Eye for an Eye7ExtendedAlly Magical attacks against character are reflected back to the original caster. The character is still effected by the initial blast.
Alc Fire Fire Bomb8LongRadius 2 - 10 points of Fire damage
Psi Fire Haste8ShortAll Allies Counteract slowness, gives +10 Spd/SL, may increase the number of attacks per combat round
Wiz Water Iceball8LongRadius 2 - 10 points of Water damage
Div Wiz Divine Remove Curse8ExtendedAlly Removes cursed items. Spell level is automatically calibrated to the strength of the curse.
Alc Fire Ring of Fire10ExtendedAll enemies within range 1 - 6 points of Fire damage
Div Psi Divine Soul Shield6ShortAll Allies Increases resistance to Divine and Mental spells
Div Water Superman7ExtendedAlly Increases all attributes by 5/SL
Div Air Whirlwind7ThrownCone 2 - 8 points of Air damage
Wiz Mental X-Ray9ShortAll Allies Can determine the presence of creatures and items. Spell Level determines the duration of the spell, but not its effectiveness.

Spell Level 5

SpellbookElementSpell Name SP RangeTargetEffect
Alc Earth Body of Stone8ExtendedAlly Increases Armor Class and grants damage resistance
Wiz Water Dehydrate10LongCreature 2 - 38 points of Water damage
Wiz Water Freeze All12LongAll Enemies May inflict paralysis
Div Divine Heal All10ShortAll Allies Heal 4 - 16 Health / spell level
Wiz Psi Mental Hex10LongRadius May inflict hexed condition, which lowers all attributes and all skills
Div Psi Divine Instant Death10LongCreature May kill creature instantly
Psi Mental Psionic Blast10LongGroup 2 - 14 points of Mental damage
May inflict insanity
Div Alc Air Purify Air10ShortParty Attempts to clear the air around the party of dangerous clouds
Div Wiz Alc Psi Air Return to Portal50*ShortParty Party returns to the caster's portal that was set previously by Set Portal.
Div Psi Mental Sane Mind12ThrownAlly Reduces/cures insanity
Div Wiz Alc Psi Air Set Portal30*ShortCaster Caster declares a new portal position that may be returned to when he/she casts Return to Portal.
Wiz Alc Divine Summon Elemental12ExtendedPoint in 3D space Caster conjures an elemental from either Fire, Water, Air or Earth. Each caster can only maintain one elemental at a time.
Alc Air Toxic Cloud8LongRadius 1 - 4 points of Air damage
May inflict nausea, poisoning, or unconsciousness

Spell Level 6

SpellbookElementSpell Name SP RangeTargetEffect
Div Wiz Divine Banish10LongAll Enemies 3 - 27 points of Magical damage
Only effective vs. undead, demonic, or summoned creatures
Wiz Water Blizzard12ThrownCone 2 - 18 points of Water damage
May inflict blindness
Alc Fire Boiling Blood12LongCreature 2 - 38 points of Fire damage
If killed, victim explodes injuring additional enemies
Alc Divine Draining Cloud10LongRadius 1 - 5 points of Magical damage
Cloud drains Health, Stamina, and Spell Points
Wiz Fire Firestorm12LongRadius 2 - 8 points of Fire damage
Div Divine Lifesteal12ThrownCreature 4 - 16 points of Magical damage
The most wounded party member receives in health the damage the victim received
Div Fire Lightning12ThrownCone 2 - 16 points of Fire damage
Psi Divine Might to Magic12ThrownCreature 3 - 27 points of Magical damage
The most magically drained party member receives in spell points the damage the victim received
Psi Air Pandemonium12LongAll Enemies May inflict fear or insanity
Psi Fire Prismic Ray10ThrownCone May inflict multitudinous conditions
Alc Earth Quicksand15LongRadius May kill creatures instantly
Div Alc Divine Resurrection30*ExtendedAlly Attempts to restore life to a dead character
Wiz Psi Mental Turncoat12ThrownCreature Attempts to change the loyalties of an enemy

Spell Level 7

SpellbookElementSpell Name SP RangeTargetEffect
Wiz Air Asphyxiation20LongAll Enemies May kill creatures instantly
Psi Mental Cerebral Hemorrhage12LongCreature 2 - 48 points of Mental damage
May inflict insanity
Wiz Mental Concussion12LongCreature 2 - 48 points of Mental damage
May inflict unconsciousness
Alc Air Death Cloud20LongRadius May kill creatures instantly
Div Divine Death Wish20LongAll Enemies May kill creatures instantly
Alc Earth Earthquake18LongAll Enemies 3 - 21 points of Earth damage
Div Earth Falling Stars16LongAll Enemies 2 -16 points of Earth damage
Psi Mental Mind Flay18LongAll Enemies 3 - 21 points of Mental damage
Wiz Fire Nuclear Blast18LongAll Enemies 3 - 21 points of Fire damage
Psi Fire Prismic Chaos15LongAll Enemies May inflict multitudinous conditions
Div Divine Restoration16ThrownAlly Heal 8 - 64 Health / spell level and attempts to cure every condition excepting Death and Life Drain
Alc Water Tsunami15ThrownCone 3 - 27 points of Water damage