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Wizardry 8

Wizardry 8— Character Development

Wizardry 8 is a complex game. This means there are any number of ways to play it, within the scope of the rules it sets out (such as, Samurais will never be real good at swinging axes, but why would they want to lug around an axe when they can use swords so well?). At any rate, it can sometimes be difficult to know just which characters you want to create... keep in mind that if you play the game through, you will probably spend about 80 or 100 hours of quality time with them! After you've gotten through the creation phase and have ventured boldly into Dominus, the question then becomes: how should I spend my precious attribute points at level up, so that they continue to develop into the powerhouses that I have envisioned?

Wizardry 8 Character Development

Example parties

I begin every game with both a party concept (whether very specific or very general) and a character concept for every character I create. Here is an example or two, which I offer to jumpstart your creativity:

One example of a balanced party

Party Concept— This party will attempt to cover all important skills, so as to leave nothing out. This is not the only balanced party; nor is it necessarily perfectly balanced, nor am I trying to make it so... but the player seeking variety should find it fun to play. In order to play instruments, however, you will need to pick up a Bard NPC. Lucky you, you can find one fairly quickly.

  • Faerie Mage— This spellcaster will provide the party's spell power. When your party elects to wait to attack, they will cast their spell before the others move, guaranteeing their magic will cause the greatest amount of devastation to their foes. At level up, pump 3 points into Intellect, and spread the remaining points between Piety and Speed for extra mana points and initiative.
  • Elf Ranger— The party will not have to worry about searching, the Ranger automatically does this. The Ranger will be a go-to guy/gal in long range combat, and will choose to rely on their rapier and dagger combo in close combat. They will be able to use Alchemy in a pinch, providing both healing to the party and damage to the enemy. Focus on Dexterity and Senses first (3 points apiece), and then focus on other attributes. At level 5, the Ranger should begin practicing his/her spells whereever they can in order to gain the need skill to learn the (much!) more powerful Alchemy spells near the end of the campaign.
  • Human Monk— This Monk will train to be a powerhouse unarmed front-line combatant. They will focus on Strength, Dexterity, and Senses equally, increasing each by 2 points at level up, until one stat maxes out. Then, Speed and Intelligence should be added to the mix. This character will not earn Psionics quite as quickly as they might, but the raw damage dealt in close combat by fists and feet will be worth it in this party.
  • Dwarven Lord— This member of the party will specialize in both staying alive and keeping others alive. They will wear the plate armor. For a time, he/she may be a rather ineffective combatant, but they will be the party's major healer (learn Heal Wounds at level 5 and use it whenever you can). At level up, give this Lord 2 points in Piety, 2 points in Vitality, and 2 points in either Strength, Speed, or Dexterity. Either way, this person will contribute greatly to the party's ability to carry loot back to town.
  • Gnome Rogue— Use this commando to infiltrate the backpacks of others. Leave the Locks & Traps skill to the furry tinker below, and focus them exclusively on Pickpocket. Increase both Dexterity and Speed by 3 points at level up, and then focus on Speed, Intelligence, and perhaps Senses. This character will hit hard (due to their backstabbing ability) and very fast, and have a decent armor class because of the combination of Speed, Dexterity, and the Stealth skill.
  • Mook Gadgeteer— Mooks are smart and astute, and as such can turn those talents to mechanical genius. However this Mook will also be the party's lock-picker. Consider the tinker's Intelligence of primary importance until it reaches about 80 (this will help with engineering and the Traps & Locks skill). Also, increase Senses by at least 2 points per level, and put any left over points into Dexterity. Strength and Vitality should be increased secondarily, to augment their ability to carry their heavy gadgets, and will provide some fighting prowess as well.