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Wizards and Warriors— Classes List

Here are the fifteen classes available to characters who travel the Gael Serran. This page deals strictly with each individual class; for help in combining them to create the perfect character, go to the Class Changing page.

Basic Classes

Every character begins in a basic class, and they can choose only one of these. Once a character chooses another class, they can never go back to a basic role.

Icon Class Affiliation Min. Attributes Skills and Spellbooks Notes
Warrior Warrior Clan of Three Swords Str 9, For 8 All weaponry, Athletics, Leadership Characters who want to get a jump start on martial training should initially be Warriors.
Rogue Rogue Guild of Shadow Dex 9, Agi 8 All weaponry, Athletics, Traps & Locks, Pickpocket Traps & Locks is a much needed skill, even early on. One character should specialize in it.
Priest Priest Brotherhood of Promise Spr 9, Pre 8 Mace, Pole & Staff, Shield, Spiritcraft, Vinecraft, Sorcery The most balanced of the basic classes; they can fight adequately as well as heal wounds.
Wizard Wizard League of Sorcery Int 9, Wil 8 Dagger, Pole & Staff, Throwing, Stonecraft, Suncraft, Sorcery Serious offensive spellcasters begin with this class. This is the only class that naturally learns Stone spells besides the Valkyrie and Zenmaster!


Elite Classes

You can become a member of any elite class that you wish, but a character cannot change into the same class twice in the same game. Guild members can purchase the right to quest for these advanced classes.

Icon Class Affiliation Minimum Attributes New Skills and Spellbooks Trait
Barbarian Barbarian Clan of Three Swords
Guild of Shadow
Str 12, Dex 8, Agi 8, For 12
Pre 8
All weaponry, Locks & Traps, Pickpocket, Athletics, Leadership, Gallantry Fury
Bard Bard Guild of Shadow
League of Sorcery
Dex 10, Agi 8
Int 10, Wil 8
All weaponry, Locks & Traps, Pickpocket, Athletics, Music, Fiendcraft*, Mooncraft, Sorcery Musician
Monk Monk Brotherhood of Promise
Way of the Dragon
Str 8, Dex 8, Agi 10, For 8
Int 8, Spr 10, Wil 10, Pre 8
Kung Fu, Mace, Pole & Staff, Shield, Throwing, Scout, Prowess, Spiritcraft, Sorcery Nature's Keeper
Ninja Ninja Clan of Three Swords
Guild of Shadow
Way of the Dragon
Str 8, Dex 10, Agi 10, For 8
Int 8, Spr 8, Wil 10, Pre 8
All weaponry, Locks & Traps, Pickpocket, Athletics, Leadership, Kung Fu, Prowess, Mooncraft, Sorcery Cloak of Night
Paladin Paladin Clan of Three Swords
Brotherhood of Promise
Str 8, Dex 8, Agi 8, For 8
Spr 10, Pre 10
All weaponry, Athletics, Leadership, Gallantry, Spiritcraft, Sorcery Noble Cause
Ranger Ranger Clan of Three Swords Str 8, Dex 9, Agi 9, For 8
Spr 8
All weaponry, Athletics, Leadership, Scout, Vinecraft, Sorcery Hawk's Brow
Samurai Samurai Clan of Three Swords
League of Sorcery
Way of the Dragon
Str 8, Dex 10, Agi 10, For 8
Int 8, Wil 8
All weaponry, Athletics, Leadership, Prowess, Suncraft, Sorcery Ancestral Guide
Warlock Warlock Brotherhood of Promise
League of Sorcery
For 8
Int 10, Spr 10, Wil 10, Pre 10
Previous spellbooks, Dagger, Pole & Staff, Throwing, Fiendcraft, Mooncraft, Sorcery Ancient Lore


* — Becoming a Bard opens up the Fiendcraft spellbook for that character, but they learn Fiend spells at half the rate (they require double the Fiendcraft skill to learn a spell as a commensurately skilled Warlock).

Special Classes

Special classes become available only to the specific character who completes a specific task. After a character becomes eligible for one of these, they may accept the promotion or turn it down. I highly recommend that any character receiving an invitation to one of these classes accept it, and upon accepting it should never opt to change class again.

Icon Class Affiliation Prerequisite Action New Skills and Spellbooks Trait
Assassin Assassin Clan of Three Swords
Guild of Shadow
League of Sorcery
Way of the Dragon
Give Assassin Dagger to Guild of Shadow All weaponry, Locks & Traps, Pickpocket, Athletics, Leadership, Kung Fu, Prowess, Fiendcraft, Mooncraft, Sorcery Backstab
Valkyrie Valkyrie Clan of Three Swords
Brotherhood of Promise
Female character frees Gezerred-Ra, returns to Brotherhood of Promise All weaponry, Athletics, Leadership, Gallantry, Spiritcraft, Stonecraft, Sorcery Grave Bind
Zenmaster Zenmaster Clan of Three Swords
Brotherhood of Promise
League of Sorcery
Way of the Dragon
Character returns 4 Books of Creation to Way of the Dragon All weaponry, Athletics, Leadership, Prowess, Fiendcraft, Mooncraft, Spiritcraft, Stonecraft, Suncraft, Vinecraft, Sorcery Invincible Will