• 23384 Wizardry 8 downloads
Wizardry 8

Wizardry 8 Mod— Character Races

Please note that these values are only valid for version 2.0 of the mod. For the version 1.0 values, click here.

Race list

Icon Race Minimum Attributes Resistances Special Abilities
Human Human Str 45, Int 45, Pie 50, Vit 50,
Dex 45, Spd 45, Sen 45
+10 vs. Divine  
Elf Elf Str 35, Int 60, Pie 50, Vit 40,
Dex 55, Spd 45, Sen 40
+20 vs. Mental
+10 vs. Air
Dwarf Dwarf Str 55, Int 30, Pie 50, Vit 65,
Dex 45, Spd 35, Sen 35
Fire (depends on Vit) Natural dmg. resistance
Gnome Gnome Str 35, Int 55, Pie 40, Vit 50,
Dex 55, Spd 35, Sen 50
+10 vs. Earth
Mental (depends on Vit)
Hobbit Hobbit Str 40, Int 40, Pie 30, Vit 40,
Dex 60, Spd 55, Sen 50
Earth (depends on Vit)  
Faerie Faerie Str 25, Int 70, Pie 35, Vit 30,
Dex 50, Spd 65, Sen 45
+15 vs. Air
+15 vs. Earth
+15 vs. Mental
+15 vs. Divine
+2 to base Armor Class
Faster Magic Power recovery
Reduced Carrying Capacity
Equippable item weight limit
Unusual starting equipment
Felpurr Felpurr Str 40, Int 45, Pie 25, Vit 35,
Dex 50, Spd 70, Sen 60
-15 vs. Water
+10 vs. Air
+10 vs. Earth
+10 vs. Mental
Rawulf Rawulf Str 50, Int 30, Pie 55, Vit 50,
Dex 40, Spd 45, Sen 50
+10 vs. Water
+5 vs. Earth
+15 vs. Divine
Lizardman Lizardman Str 70, Int 25, Pie 35, Vit 60,
Dex 45, Spd 50, Sen 30
+15 vs. Fire
+10 vs. Water
+10 vs. Earth
-10 vs. Mental
-10 vs. Divine
Slower Magic Power recovery
Dracon Dracon Str 60, Int 45, Pie 30, Vit 60,
Dex 50, Spd 40, Sen 30
+15 vs. Water
+15 vs. Air
-5 vs. Mental
-5 vs. Divine
Can breathe acid
Mook Mook Str 55, Int 55, Pie 25, Vit 50,
Dex 35, Spd 35, Sen 65
+15 vs. Water
+15 vs. Mental
+10 vs. Divine
Android Android   +75 vs. Mental
-25 vs. Divine
Android resistances
No magic
Cannot change classes
Trynnie Trynnie   +15 vs. Air
+15 vs. Earth
Rapax Rapax   +45 vs. Fire
-20 vs. Mental
Umpani Umpani   +20 vs. Air
+20 vs. Earth
-10 vs. Mental
T'Rang T'Rang   +15 vs. Water
+15 vs. Mental